What are the benefits of using a PSYCH-K® Facilitator or Professional Life Coach in your life?
The benefits of PSYCH-K® are numerous. Dr. Bruce Lipton has stated, “PSYCH-K® represents one of the most important, efficient, effective, and rapid change processes that is available on this planet today.” PSYCH-K® sessions fuse the science of epigenetics and neuroplasticity, with the psychology of self-empowerment. PSYCH-K® is a brain integration technique used to create whole brain balancing. Creating equilibrium across the brain’s right and left hemisphere reduces subconscious resistance to change. A “whole brain” state releases and transforms self-limiting beliefs quickly and effectively. Some people use PSYCH-K® to help with health issues, renew relationships, overcome phobias, PTSD, increase confidence, get clarity in a new career, overcome a recent divorce, enhance family harmony, overcome a recent passing of a loved one, resolve learning difficulties, overcome addictions, stress management, and debt issues just to name a few.
A Professional PSYCH-K® Facilitator and Life Coach can help you to see a fresh new perspective on your personal challenges, enhance your decision-making skills, you can achieve more satisfaction in your relationships, put in place a workable action plan to bring your goals into reality, and many experience increased confidence in their daily life, just to name a few benefits. They will help you identify self limiting beliefs and share with you ways to turn a self limiting belief around into a empowering belief. Many who utilize a professional coach or PSYCH-K® Facilitator also can expect appreciable improvement in productivity and more satisfaction within their life and work.
A Professional Life Coach is motivational, inspiring, positive, and ACTION driven. THEY HELP YOU TO UNLOCK YOUR POWER AND YOUR MAGNIFICENCE! A coach helps you look at where you are now and where you’d like to be, and helps you bridge the gap to where you want to go. They create situations that will raise your own awareness and encourage you to take responsibility and put in place action steps to achieve the greatness and success you deserve in your life.
TAKE YOUR FIRST STEP TOWARDS PROACTIVELY IMPROVING YOUR LIFE TODAY! Call or Text Rochiel at 702.354.6809 to book your first session!